
living a healthier, more abundant and balanced life

Dr. Friedman has an eclectic approach to providing psychotherapy developed from her extensive training and experience involving modern psychoanalytic psychotherapy, logotherapy, mind-body therapies, humanistic therapies, as well as addiction and co-dependency recovery therapy.

Individual Psychotherapy

Individual Psychotherapy as practiced by Dr. Friedman is an enlightening process where we begin to take steps to see things about ourselves that we may have been unaware of and to use these new insights constructively. It helps empower us to build healthier relationships with ourselves and others with the goal of integrating past with present, and living a healthier, more abundant and balanced life.

Group Therapy

Dr. Friedman’s Group Therapy provides a moving and powerful experience of the group process that impacts each individual to grow with and learn from one another in a safe, supportive, bonding environment.

Couples Therapy

In Couples Therapy, Dr. Friedman offers an opportunity to learn and experience greater relatedness with your significant other. Focusing upon constructive communication, each person begins to recognize how he or she is impacted by the other, and to understand one another’s true needs. The goal is to learn to truly listen to one another with care, honor and respect, which then opens the door to healing and new possibilities.


Dr. Friedman has done extensive study and completed a degree at the Victor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy. Dr. Frankl developed a unique approach to psychotherapy, Logotherapy, which has as its central tenet the belief that man’s primary motivational force is the search for meaning. Central to this approach is the notion that human dignity and freedom can be found in all situations even those of unchangeable suffering, as we have the freedom to find meaning in the experience and the freedom to choose how we will respond to that suffering.